Setting a Maximum Number of Trial Items Per Order

This feature is in beta and may not work seamlessly with your theme. If you experience any issues, please reach out to for assistance.

First, open the TryOnify app and go to the Settings page in the left hand menu. In the "General" settings section, enter a value for "Max trial items per order" and then click "Save."

Next, you will need to enable the "TryOnify Features" app embed. Go to your Shopify themes list and click the "Customize" button next to the theme you want to enable this feature on.

Then, in the far left menu, click the "App embeds" icon.

Scroll to an app embed called "TryOnify Features" and toggle it to the "On" position and click save.

You should now see "0 of 3 trial products chosen" language at the top of your free trial widget.

From the app embed page, click the arrow to expand the app embed if you want to change that language or configure the color and language of the error that is shown to a customer when they try to add too many trial items.

Here is a preview of the default warning.